Dr. Heleen Miedema

miedemaDr. Heleen Miedema (program director of Technical Medicine, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands), will present the Technical Medicine educational program that is being offered at University of Twente to train tomorrow’s health professionals. This program, that was started in 2003, aims at educating professionals who can improve patient care by applying medical technology. This education fills the gap between classical medicine and complex technology. After 6 years of education each Technical Physician will have the knowledge, skills and problem solving mind-set to design and safely apply improved diagnostics and therapeutics for the benefit of patients.

Technical Medicine offers a unique interdisciplinary program linking Science and Technology with the clinical practice and professional behavior of Medicine. The graduated Technical Physician has a thorough understanding of the functioning of the human body. Together with an equally thorough insight in medical technology and professional behavior he creates new solutions for technical medical problems, with the goal to find new, better and safe diagnostics and treatments. After graduation, most Technical Physicians will work in academic and large leading clinical medical centers.