Finkel Lecture Theatre, John Curtin School of Medical Research
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Conference themes:
- Cross-fertilization between systems biology and lumped parameter models around specific clinical and educational applications.
- Toward a well-documented, user-friendly set of lumped parameter models of cardiorespiratory physiology.
Better understanding of the pathophysiology of shock and coagulopathy has transformed the management of severe acute bleeding in recent years. Similarly, there are new insights in the treatment of in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. New systems of care are proposed by the American Heart Association and others.
Yet, mortality and morbidity are still high and further improvements in individual patient care require precision medicine strategies and predictive models that extend the current approaches of evidence based medicine.
In this context, the 2019 AMAC conference aims to promote cross-fertilization between experts in systems biology and in organ based modeling, to develop clinical and education-oriented applications. Development of open-access, open-source, organ based models of physiology will be discussed. The focus will be on cardiorespiratory physiology.
The Jan Beneken Prize for best investigator (500 Euro) was made possible in part by support from CAE Healthcare, Montreal, Canada
The Nicolaas Westerhof Award was made possible by the generous support of Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences
Jan Beneken (right) with Nico Westerhof (left)