Nico Westerhof Lectures (Young Investigators)

A model for educational simulation of the hemodynamic consequences of severe coughing
Nicolau, Abel; Santos, Ana; van Meurs, Willem;
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

In silico modeling of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Onvlee, Joannet; Blauw, Helga; Middelhuis, Niels; Zwart, Hans
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 

A support vector machine to predict impending pre-syncope from hemodynamic derived signals during progressive central hypovolemia
Björn J.P. van der Ster; Berend E. Westerhof; Wim J. Stok;Johannes J. van Lieshout
Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Simulation of Pulsatile Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy Using Aplysia CardioVascular Lab
Maksuti, Elira; Broomé, Michael
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Medical Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden 

Modeling the Cardiovascular System to simulate the limitations of predicting fluid responsiveness by dynamic indices
de Koff, N; Kuijkens, H; Faes, T.J.C. ; Settels, J.J.
VU University / Edwards Lifesciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Exploring the clinical applications of a multi-infusion model
Snijder, Roland; Konings, Maurits; Radermacher, Joris; Timmerman, Annemoon
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

An empirical model for educational simulation of cervical effacement and dilation during first stage labor
Gefferie, Silvano; Scholten, Anouk; Wijlens, Kim; Haan, Job de; Bastos, LuÖsa Ferreira; Meurs, Willem van
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 

Difference in right and left ventricular response during cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT): insights from canine-specific simulations
Willemen, Erik; Strik, Marc; Walmsley, John; Delhaas, Tammo; Prinzen, Frits; Lumens, Joost;
Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands 

Flow through the ductus arteriosus is a multifactorial phenomenon
Biel, Elin; Huntelaar, Marthe; Smit, Jantine; Vlaskamp, Lyan; Antonius, Timothy; Van Meurs, Willem;
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 

Perioperative volume status modelling to simulate controlled hypovolemia due to blood donation
Tilaï Rosalina, Wouter Peeters, Arthur Bouwman, Erik Korsten, Rick Bezemer, Marc van Sambeek, Frans van de Vosse, Peter Bovendeerd
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands